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6 Best Recipes From Peach Oil For The Face


The benefits of peach oil for the face are undeniable. The oil well moisturizes and softens, nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, tones, and evens out the complexion. Regular use of peach oil for the face, you will make your skin more well-groomed and attractive.

Properties of peach oil for the face

Peach oil for the face is valued because it:

  • moisturizes (or rather helps to retain moisture in the cells),
  • quickly softens, relieves tightness,
  • eliminates dryness and flaking,
  • smoothes wrinkles,
  • cleanses,
  • absorbs well and does not leave a greasy shine,
  • makes the skin soft and velvety,
  • great for facial massage.

Peach oil can be used for any skin type, but it is most suitable for dry, fading and sensitive skin.

Attention! As with all natural oils, do not forget to clean your face 1–2 times a week from the oil itself. For example, using a scrub.


Has a fairly light texture compared to many other oils. Thanks to this, its use will be useful and pleasant. Peach oil is often used as a base for masks, creams, and other cosmetics. The rich composition allows you to use it as an independent tool.

How to use peach oil for face? There are several effective ways:

  • In its pure form,
  • As part of masks,
  • Applications,
  • Facial Massage with peach oil,
  • Adding to cosmetics.

When choosing how to use peach oil for the face, focus on the following scheme, which will help to achieve the maximum effect: for nutrition and hydration-masks and applications.

To remove tightness, eliminate dryness and peeling — in pure form and as part of masks.
To smooth out wrinkles-facial massage, use in pure form or as part of masks with mandatory massage movements.
To clean your skin and remove makeup — in its purest form.

If you do masks, applications or massage, use peach oil for the face as effectively as possible with a course (6–10 procedures) followed by a break. In its pure form and as a component in cosmetics, the oil can be used for a longer time. Do not forget that before using any product, you need to do an allergen test. A small number of selected funds should be applied to the sensitive area of skin (at the wrist or elbow) and gauge the reaction for 2–4 hours. If there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, redness), the product can be used.

Peach oil for the face pure

How to apply peach oil to your face in its pure form? The first thing to remember before applying any oil is that the oil is applied to cleansed skin.

In its pure form, peach oil is suitable for moisturizing, nourishing, and smoothing wrinkles.
Peach oil is suitable for skin care around the eyes, lips and decollete area. The oil is applied with massaging movements along the massage lines.

After application, tap and Pat the skin with your fingertips for better absorption. After 20–30 minutes after application, remove the remaining oil with a dry cloth. Peach oil can be used in its pure form as a base for makeup. To do this, it is applied in a thin layer under a moisturizer.

As already mentioned, peach oil is suitable for all skin types. For dry skin, peach oil in its pure form is best applied before going to bed, under a cream or instead of a cream.

Be careful! Instead of cream, no more than 10 procedures.

For oily skin, it is more rational to use peach oil for cleansing. The procedure is similar to cleansing the face when removing makeup: apply a small amount of oil to a cotton pad and wipe the face. For oily skin, this simple and short-term skin care procedure is enough. You will clean your face of dirt and toxins, and Your skin will get all the necessary nutrition.

Face masks with peach oil

The mask is an ideal tool for maintaining the beauty and health of the skin, especially if the mask contains peach oil! It is important to apply them rationally, for example, a course of 6, 8 or 10 masks. You can make masks 1 or 2 times a week, so you will get the greatest effect.

Peach oil for dry skin

Peach oil is best for dry and fading skin. It not only moisturizes, but also makes the skin supple and velvety, returns its radiance. Fine lines will be smoothed out, Your skin will look young and well-groomed. Here are some peach oil masks for dry skin.


Peach oil 1 tsp
Sandalwood essential oil 2–3 drops

Add sandalwood essential oil to the peach oil, mix well and apply to cleansed face skin for 15–20 minutes. Remove any leftovers with a dry cloth. After the procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream to your face.


Of peach oil 1 teaspoon
Olive oil 1 teaspoon
Neroli essential oil 2–3 drops

As in the previous recipe.

When applying masks to dry skin, pay special attention to areas with wrinkles. The more you massage them, the deeper the oil penetrates into the skin, making the mask more effective.

Peach oil for oily skin

Cleansing procedures and masks are most suitable for oily skin. As already mentioned, you can clean your face with peach seed oil by applying it to a cotton pad. And you can also use this recipe


Of peach oil 1 teaspoon
lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon
Small oat flakes 1 teaspoon

Mix all the ingredients well and wait a couple of minutes for the flakes to become softer. Apply the composition with massaging movements. After 10–15 minutes, wash off first with warm water, then cool.

Mask with aloe and peach oil for the face

Universal oil with aloe juice is suitable for both oily and sensitive skin.


Of peach oil 1 teaspoon
Aloe juice 1 teaspoon
Vitamin E 1 teaspoon

All mix and apply to the face for 15–20 minutes, then wash off first with warm and then cold water. Aloe gently nourishes and soothes the skin. Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, tones and prevents aging.

Peach oil for the face from wrinkles

Peach oil for the face is often used for wrinkles. Oil masks are especially effective. For example, you can use the recipe below.


Of peach oil 1 teaspoon
Castor oil 1 teaspoon
Of sandalwood essential oil add 2–3 drops

To castor oil and heat a little, then add the essential oil to the mixture and mix. The composition is applied along the massage lines, first stroking, then driving in with your fingertips and smoothing out wrinkles along the massage lines. Leave for 15–30 minutes, remove the remains with a dry cloth.

Castor oil also has a rich composition and is suitable for fighting wrinkles and even acne scars.

Peach oil for face acne

Peach oil for acne can be used in its pure form, cleansing the face with it, you can use the recipe given above for oily skin with lemon juice and bran. And you can also try the following composition.


Of peach oil 1 teaspoon
Tea tree essential oil 4–5 drops
Chamomile broth 1 teaspoon

First, brew the chamomile. Separately, mix the remaining components and apply to the face for 10–20 minutes, then rinse the face first with chamomile decoction (or wipe with a cotton pad moistened with chamomile decoction), then with warm and cool water. Tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic that will help neutralize harmful acne.

Be careful, pimples are often external manifestations of deeper health problems that cannot be solved with cosmetics. Be attentive to yourself and your health.

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