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Causes of a sore throat

Many sore throats come from bacteria and irritants we breathe in through our mouths. Also, impurities in water can cause a sore throat. Kissing someone with a sore throat will transfer their bacteria to you. Why would you want to make yourself have a sore throat? It isn’t a very pleasant experience to have a sore throat! Also, things you are allergic to and you breathe these things in causes you to have a sore throat. When you are intubated during surgery, this makes your throat sore due to being irritated by the airway tube.

A sore throat is the feeling of an ache, itch or dryness in the throat. Even though a sore throat is wished away more often than it is actually treated with proper medical guidance, it accounts for more than 13 million visits to a doctor’s office each year. It usually creates a sense of uneasiness while carrying out even the basic day-to-day activities.

Causes of a sore throat:

1) Cold, flu, and other viral infections- 90% of the sore throats are caused by viruses, which range from the common cold, influenza, mononucleosis (an infectious disease that’s transmitted through saliva), measles, chickenpox, to mumps.

2) Bacterial Infections- “Strep throat” is a common type of throat and tonsils infection that results from exposure to a strain of streptococcus bacteria. A study conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that strep throat accounts for 20–30% of sore throats in children and 5–15% in adults.

3) Allergies- When the immune system reacts to the allergy triggers like pet dander, molds, dust and pollen, it can also cause sore-throat.

4) Dryness- Dry indoor air can make the throat feel rough and scratchy. When one breathes through the mouth because of chronic nasal congestion, it can also cause a sore throat. This can also happen during the winters, when exposed to a heater for long hours.

5) Irritants- Outdoor and indoor pollution caused due to- tobacco smoke or chemicals can cause a chronic sore throat. Consumption of tobacco, alcohol and spicy foods can also irritate the throat.

6) Muscle strain- One can strain muscles in one's throat by yelling, talking loudly or for long periods without rest.

As common are the causes for a sore throat, as habitually one tends to let it be un-treated and heal naturally. Curkey offers a remedy for sore throat which contains the richness of curcumin, a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pigment which is primarily found in Turmeric and is the substance that gives the spice its distinct yellow colour. The product has been derived from the common Indian belief that consumption of turmeric induces a natural healing process.

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