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To Be Slim And Fit, You Do Without Dieting

But you need to eat food properly. Everything we eat should be eaten with great fervor, even if it is not a potato tikki on the way. We should thank nature and find pranic elements in our food and not calories. Let us know what action we have to take this week to keep ourselves fit and healthy.

1) Must have breakfast- Never forget to have breakfast even after forgetting, your breakfast is the most important for your brain. Right from childhood, children should get breakfast made, so that they have the ability and perseverance to make decisions throughout the day. If you do not have breakfast in the morning, then your metabolism decreases, due to which your fat starts increasing. I think by now you must have understood how important morning breakfast is.

2) Eating at an interval of 2 hours - This does not mean that you keep eating throughout the day. There is a long delay in breakfast, lunch and dinner, so we should eat a little healthy every 2 hours, which causes our metabolism to increase and we feel very fit ourselves.

3) Dinner 3 hours before bedtime- if you eat food at least 3 hours before bedtime, then your digestive system does not allow that food to be converted into fat, but it digests it well and makes you sleep well.

4) Drink a lot of water- I know that everyone knows that we should drink a lot of water, but do we also know who should drink how much water? You must have noticed that our urine sometimes looks like turmeric, sometimes more and sometimes less. We should drink so much water throughout the day that it does not remain as yellow as turmeric in our urine.

5) Exercise- If you follow the 4 things mentioned above, then there will be a big change in your life and if you are over weight then you will have to exercise along with all these things. 3-4 hours of workout a week is very important, meaning if you exercise for 30-40 minutes every day, then you will always be fit, if you say exercise for a walk in the park with friends, then you complete Kind of wrong.

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