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Is Green Tea Good For Health

 There are three basic sorts of tea... green, black and oolong. All are made up of the leaves of the tea plant and therefore the only difference between them is that the processes wont to make them.

Green tea is formed by steaming the leaves quickly. to form

tea , the leaves are exposed to the air or fermented, which darkens the leaves and provides them flavour, while for oolong the tea leaves are only partially fermented.

The flavours of teas vary counting on where the plants are grown. Different growing conditions, horticulture methods, production processing, and harvesting times also affect flavours. Teas from different areas are often combined to form teas with a specific flavour, called blended teas. English Breakfast Tea, for instance , may be a blend of Chinese, Ceylonese and Indian teas.

Herbal teas (such as chamomile and mint) aren't really teas in the least , as they're not made up of the tea plant. Drinking herbal teas isn't considered as healthful as drinking green, black or oolong teas.

Green tea and health

Green tea has long been related to

an extended and healthy life in many Eastern cultures. Nowadays, extracts from the tea are utilized in beverages, health foods, and dietary supplements. But does it actually contribute to health?

Free radicals are molecules that are damaged. These damaged molecules can, in turn, damage cells which can become cancerous. Antioxidants may reduce or prevent a number of this damage. Catechins are a kind of antioxidant found in tea leaves. they're

a part of a family of molecules called flavonoids which have anti-oxidative and anti-carcinogenic functions.

It's the flavonoids that give tea its reputation as a healthful drink. the typical quantity of flavonoids during a cup of this tea is above

the number found within the same volume of other healthy drinks, like fresh fruit juices, wine or vegetable juices. However, the number of flavonoids can vary widely between different teas and tea products.

Tea making and drinking

You get more antioxidants from freshly brewed tea, compared with other sorts of the drink like instant tea and decaffeinated tea. However, to maximise the anti-oxidants in tea , you would like to steep the tea for a minimum of three minutes; five minutes is right .

Most people in most countries drink their tea hot. America, of course, is that the exception... about 85% of the tea drunk within the US is ice tea . the matter is that ice tea often contains relatively small amounts of catechins compared with hot tea. this is often

thanks to the way ice tea

is formed .

Iced tea is typically made by boiling water to which tea is added. Once the tea has been stewed for about five minutes, the liquid is cooled by adding water to double its volume, after which it's refrigerated.

Adding water dilutes the concentration of catechins. to form sure that your ice tea contains an equivalent amounts of antioxidants as your hot tea, leave the dilution by adding 50% more tea than usual to the boiling water.

Research and health effects

Green tea contains a spread of enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, sterols, polyphenols, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins, caffeine and related compounds, phytochemicals and dietary minerals. Over the previous couple of decades it's been the topic

of the many scientific studies to work out the extent of its reputed health benefits.

There is some evidence suggesting that regular drinkers of this tea may have a lower risk of developing certain sorts of cancer and heart condition . But nothing much has been proved conclusively through rigorously-conducted clinical trials. Indeed, most of the claims made for the health benefits of tea are supported analyses of its chemical composition, some in vitro experiments, and animal studies, instead of studies made with humans.

Cancer: a scientific review conducted in 2012 stated that the evidence that tea can prevent cancer 'is inadequate and inconclusive'. The report did state however that there's some evidence that this tea can cause a discount in certain sorts of cancer (ie, breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers). However, there is no hard evidence that drinking tea can prevent cancer generally and more research is required .

Heart disease: some studies show that drinking this tea may curb several risk factors for heart condition , like weight, vital sign , and cholesterol. However, America's FDA (Food & Drug Administration) has refused to permit labels on packets of tea

to say that the tea contributes to a healthy heart, on the grounds that this claim isn't supported by credible scientific evidence.

Cholesterol: tea may lower LDL and total cholesterol levels within the blood, consistent with several short studies. But it's not known whether the consequences of this tea resulted in fewer deaths. additionally , the evidence doesn't support the claim that this tea reduces the danger of arteria coronaria disease.

Diabetes: there's some evidence that tea may help control blood sugar levels. However, this has not been widely tested in people and more research is required .

As you'll see, the healthful benefits of drinking tea

haven't been proved in human trials to any degree of confidence, though some recent studies in Japan have found that its consumption does end in a decreased risk of the many cancer, cardio-vascular disease, and dementia including Alzheimer's.

Unnatural concentrations: one study found that the actual catechins found in tea , if taken at extremely high doses, may damage DNA. But to try to to so, consumption would need to be many many times greater than the amounts that would be obtained from drinking vast quantities of tea, which, for me, makes the finding pretty irrelevant. Similar results from consuming unnatural concentrations of other antioxidants, like vitamins E and C, are obtained in human trials.

Adverse effects

My research has did not uncover any adverse effects of drinking regular amounts of tea . By regular amounts I mean a couple of cups each day .

However this tea does contain caffeine. As people with irregular heartbeats or anxiety disorders got to

take care about the quantity of caffeine they ingest, they ought to only drink moderate amounts of tea , taking their other sources of caffeine under consideration . The presence of caffeine also means, consistent with the American Dietetic Association, that pregnant or breast-feeding women shouldn't drink quite one or two cups of tea

each day .

There is also some evidence that tea may interfere with the actions of certain anti-cancer drugs, like Bortezomib (Velcade) and other boronic acid-based proteasome inhibitors. If you're taking these drugs, you ought to consult your medical advisor about drinking this tea

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