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Excellent Method To Reduce The Cholesterol Without Drugs

Garlic is a very powerful ingredient that brings many benefits to your body. It contains high levels of glycosides, compounds that give garlic a very strong smell. Also, garlic is rich in allicin, an anti-bacterial substance rich in sulfur.
Benefits of garlic:
  • It helps you lose weight;
  • It stimulates the blood flow;
  • It removes fat deposits from your system;
  • It improves your metabolism;
  • It prevents your blood from coagulating;
  • It combats the action of free radicals;
  • It regulates the blood cholesterol;
  • It boosts your immune system;
  • It cleans your liver and helps it work properly;

Remedy to reduce cholesterol:


  • 1l of 70 degrees alcohol;
  • 350gr of raw garlic

Peel and chop the garlic, then add in together with the alcohol in a glass bottle. Store the bottle in the refrigerator for about 7 days, then filter the resulting composition by using a gauze. Store the liquid again in the fridge, this time only for 3 days. Combine the drink with water every time you drink it and make sure it is 20 minutes before every main meal.

Day 1: Consume 1 drop of liquid before breakfast, 2 before lunch, and finally three drops before dinner. 
Days 2 to 6:
 Increase the number of drops until you have the following scheme in day 6: 15-14-13. 
Day 7 to 14:
 Decrease the number of drops by one every with every meal and day, until you reach the scheme: 3-2-1.

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