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11 Safe and Fast Ways to Menstruate

Periods are super inconvenient when they are unexpected and worse when you have to go somewhere. The title says how to get periods fast, right? But can anyone tell me why would a girl ever want to get her period early, I mean do you have any answer?

Getting periods fast can be due to a number of reasons like going for a holiday or heading for an important meeting or looking forward to an upcoming event of yours. Yes, it’s nice controlling things and here are a few things that can help you get your periods fast. Everyone’s body is different so things that work for others might not work for you. Check out:


Papayas I love, I am so fond of eating papaya on empty stomach. By eating papayas, you can prepone your periods as raw papaya stimulates uterus contractions which further help in calling periods before the time. Since papaya has carotene that is well known to arouse estrogen hormone as a result of which you get your periods early and fast. To make papaya work, all you need to do is eat it raw or drink papaya juice twice a day. When you are expecting your periods start consuming papaya juice or one bowl of ripe papaya.


Ginger is not something everyone likes. But if you want to prepone your periods, it works wonders. Ginger is also called magic herb that has soothing properties for your body. Not only does it help in cold and cough, but also inducing periods. Have ginger tea on a daily basis to arouse menstrual flow and because it is emmenagogue, the results are incredible. If you face issues with delayed periods, ginger tea with a combination of parsley is most recommended.

You can either drink fresh ginger juice, raw ginger with honey or take ginger tea depending on your taste.


Pineapple tastes delicious especially when it is fresh. This fruit contains bromelain that softens your uterus lining that when starts shedding, you get your periods. Pineapple is helpful in speeding the shedding process and induces periods sooner. Make sure to eat pineapple slices or drink pineapple juice a lot to enjoy your occasion or any upcoming event to the fullest.


Emmenagogue herb stimulates blood flow in uterus and pelvis that further makes it possible getting periods fast. The passage from your uterus to vagina is softened with the consumption of this herb. The herbs containing emmenagogue include ginger, sage, rosemary, and parsley which you can consume in the form of tea.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C reduces progesterone in your body which helps in inducing the periods. This hormone keeps the uterus thick and you get the periods when the lining in uterus starts to shed after thinning. And Vitamin C does exactly that as a result of which you get those much awaited periods soon.


Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and as we told earlier, vitamin C brings your period fast. Oranges are heat inducing which increase your body temperature and kick start your flow. However, if you want to have your periods early and fast, consider oranges. And for that matter, eat oranges to get glowing skin.


Pomegranate is yet another very effective fruit to call periods. What you can do is extract pomegranate juice and drink thrice a day. Follow the routine for 10-15 days before your expected period date and see the results fast. Or else you can mix it with sugar cane juice and drink four times a day to get the desired results.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds, you all are aware of! They are used in preparing sweets and many other tasks as well. Focus on taking sesame to induce your period as they cause a lot of heat in the body. Due to the heat, your uterus lining softens and starts shedding as a result of which you get your period earlier. Heat some water and consume a tsp of seeds twice a day either fried or plain with honey.

Coriander Seeds

For irregular periods, nothing is better than coriander seeds. Since coriander has emmenagogue properties, it has amazing benefits for inducing periods. Boil 2 cups of water and add 1 tsp of coriander seeds. Keep boiling it until the water reduces to 1 cup and then strain it to remove the seeds. Drink this water thrice a day for a few days before your period to see the results.

Aloe Vera

Grow some aloe vera in the backyard to enjoy numerous benefits this magic plant has. Aloe vera juice has multiple health benefits to provide soothing effects for your body. Cut half an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel. Now mix it with a tbsp of honey and eat it before having your breakfast in the morning. You will see good results over a period of time but keep patience as aloe vera takes time to induce periods.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are very frequently used and also they make fragrant tea. You drink put some seeds in water and drink it empty stomach in the morning to regulate your periods. Get healthy flow with this drink and that too earlier than the expected date.

According to some studies, it is said that inducing periods can be harmful. Yes, this is true if you do this often. But once in a while, it doesn’t matter. Make sure not to take birth control pills because they are just not suggested. On the other hand, following all these natural remedies are perfect as they don’t cause any harm to your body. If they won’t induce periods, they won’t do anything wrong as well. Always talk to your doctor first if possible so that he or she can suggest you the best way to get periods fast with natural methods. Good luck!


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